I visited Heartland Outdoor in Kansas recently. I’m 68 years old and naturally sway toward different guns, like S&W and Ruger. I’m always on the hunt! I noticed a Bond Arms Texas Defender in 357 Magnum sitting in their handgun cabinet. Sweet little gun! Interesting, but just not on my radar right now. I did, however, look up Bond Arms online when I got home. WOW! I returned to Heartland two days later and took that Texas Defender home with me! I have to say it is one of the finest made handguns I own. The finish is incredible! The way the barrel sounds and feels when it locks in place is also incredible! I did order the “Star-on-Star” extended grip for it. I just need a place for my little finger to rest. Can’t wait to add more calibers for this gun! Thank you, Bond Arms, for a high-quality, easily concealable firearm!

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