So my wife bought me the Snake Slayer for my birthday in November after hearing about the "Bond Arms" on a radio show. WOW!!! This is my favorite gun I own. I know it will do the job in any situation from hiking, concealed carry/personal protection, etc. the quality and versatility is unmatched. I have shot competition with the military growing up on a .45 1911. BUT I got to say this little gun is great and have nothing but confidence in it due to the obvious quality! I'm without a doubt going to but another one here soon. My wife wants one also. We are "regular" folks, what I mean is I'm not a super gun know it all, and what is great is with a Bond Arm one has confidence in knowing it will work well, is safe (love the safety feature button) and most of all supplies simple confidence to the novice and expert no matter where you fall in that spectrum. THANK YOU!

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