I love shooting my Bond Arms Texas Defender. I have way to many pistols but this was my first derringer. I purchased a 3 1/2" Snake Slayer barrel too. The 3 " 410 rounds with 000 Buck shoots 5 nice size projectiles in a nice pattern. What a great self defense round. "One bullet 5 shots" and a loud BOOM did I say BOOM would likely send attackers fleeing. The one you hit aint getting up even if he was 250 LBS and high on PCP. Now that I have practiced with it a few times I feel real comfortable using it as a carry gun. Now for my word of CAUTION for EXPERIENCED gun owners that haven't shot a derringer before. The Trigger is definitely an issue until you have practiced with it. I bought mine, read (not well enough I found out) the instructions, took it to the range (until I range test a new gun they stay in the box) and had a extremely hard time getting it to fire. I came home Googled Bond Arms Trigger and watched some videos and realized the part where it says "Pull down on trigger and back" was a big deal. Glad I tested it out before I needed it.

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