The wife and I had been eyeballing the Bond Derringers for quite some time, and finally ordered ours about a month ago. I was torn between the 3 1/2 inch barrel on the C2K and the extended grips of the Papa Bear, but decided on the longer barrel for the 3 inch .410 capability. My wife was dead set on the Mama Bear. We picked up some ammo and took them out to get a feel for them. The 45/.410 is very manageable, even with 3 inch 000 buck, and surprisingly accurate. The Mama Bear was very snappy with the .357, but the .38 was a dream to shoot. Not sure if it's the ammo or the shorter barrel, but the .357 seemed to recoil much more than the .410. Afterwards we brought them home to clean, and saw that the lettering on one side of the grips on the Mama Bear was incomplete. Sent an email, and Liz sent us another set with no issue whatsoever. I would recommend these firearms to anyone, and I know my Bond is here to stay.

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