Authorized Distributors

The following list represents the authorized wholesale distributors for Bond Arms. Dealer inquiries only. Federal firearm license required. NO CONSUMER ORDERS!


AmChar (NY) 800-333-0695
Big Rock 800-334-2661
Bill Hicks (MN) 800-223-0702
Camfour (MA) 800-347-3276
Chattanooga Shooting Supply 800-251-4808
Davidson’s (AZ) 800-367-4867
Davidson’s (NC) 888-411-7599
Hick’s 800-633-5634
Iron Valley Supply Co.  800-226-4377
Lipsey’s (LA) 800-666-1333
Midwest Gun Exchange 800-734-5965
RSR Group  
Rochester (NY) 800-458-4867
Winter Park (FL) 800-541-4867
Reno (NV) 800-634-4867
Grand Prairie (TX) 800-752-4867
Zanders (IL) 800-851-4373
Sports South (LA) 800-388-3845
Taylor & Co. (VA) 540-722-2017

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