Stinger RS 22LR
Q: Can I just purchase a .22LR Stinger barrel and put it on another frame?
A: No. Bond Arms does not manufacture .22LR barrels for accessory sales. Gordon Addresses that here:
Q: Can I put another barrel on this frame, or just the .22LR barrel that came with it?
A: Yes! Even though your Stinger RS in .22LR is matched to the frame with which we sell it, you can put other Stinger barrels on it such as 9mm, .380 ACP, and .38 Special.
Q: Can I put the barrel from this Stinger RS onto another frame?
A: No. Even within the Stinger line, the .22LR must be matched to the individual frame with which it is sold in order to ensure proper performance. Gordon addresses that here:
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