I bought my first Bond Arms gun in December and my second barrel in January. I was concerned with the recoup/kickback so I decided to go small with a .38/.357 Texas Defender. I went to the range to fire my weapon for the first time and I soon had a gaggle form around me. Questions started to arrive “what is it”, “where did you get it”, “what caliber are you shooting”, etc. I was even asked by a few of hue guys if they could fire it hi how they find of course. Well the recoil and kickback were minimal, so I decided to order the .45 long colt/.410 barrel. Needless to say I was delighted with the way the weapon handled and the excellent shot patterns at 12 feet. I am bragging to all my friends about the weapon and hopefully you’ll get some orders soon. I think you and I both hit a home run with this weapon.

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