I bought the Pikes Peak version of the Texas Defender the other day and couldn't wait to get to the range to try it out. It came with a .45/.410 barrel and a .38/.357 barrel and a sticky holster. The holster is a perfect fit for my Wrangler jeans front pocket, completely concealed and an easy draw. I love this gun.

At the range, I had 2 rounds of .410 from a friend and bought a box of 20 .45 Long Colt ammo. I was a bit concerned about shooting all of those rounds because I was sure that my hand wouldn't be usable for several hours afterwards, so I was only planning to shoot the two .410 rounds and a few of the .45 rounds just to get the feel of the gun.

Boy howdy, was I ever wrong! This gun is a dream. The recoil was amazingly almost negligible, considering the caliber of the ammo used. I ended up firing both .410 rounds and the full box of .45 rounds. The two range officers were extremely interested in the gun and had never seen a gun of that size firing such powerful ammo with such manageable recoil. When I offered to let them fire a couple of rounds, they both jumped at the opportunity. They were highly impressed. (I think that you might be getting a couple of orders in the near future.)

This week I plan to go to the range and give the .38/.357 barrel a try. A friend wants to try the gun so much that he offered to provide all the ammo if I let him shoot it. I'm sure that you're going to get an order from him -- he's already said he's going to buy one.

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