I first saw your hand cannon on the Blaze TV and knew I had to have one at that point. I kept putting it off until on Facebook I saw where you had presented Governor Abbott with a commemorative model. I knew then, that these hand cannons would soon be in short supply, so went by the new gun store in Center to see if he had one. He didn’t and none of his supplies had one either.

Then I went to www.bondarms.com and found the Snakeslayer IV was available and could be shipped to a gun store in Carthage. I am so glad I bought it. I also bought a box of 00 buckshot 410 ga. and brought it home. I looked at the gun in the store, but didn’t load it up until I got it home. I walked out back along with my son (disabled Army Vet) and fired one shot. It about blew a pile of wood to pieces, and I grinned and told him, It will do exactly what I want it to do.

I am very happy with the Hand Cannon and am now carrying it everywhere I go. It fits in my right front pocket quite handily. Since then, I have bought a sticky holster for it, but it hasn’t arrived yet.

Thanks for making such a quality hand gun!

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