My new Snake Slayer IV is now one of my favorite guns. We finally had a day above 15 deg. F, so I was able to test the gun. I tried Federal Personal Defense 410 Handgun 3″ 000 Buck, 3″ 4 Buck and some 45 Colt ammo. The 000 Buck is fairly stout, so I probably won’t be practicing with this shell until I get my Jumbo grips and am wearing my PAST glove. The other rounds were fine with my very large hands and the extended grips. I have also ordered a 357/38 4.25″ barrel, a 45 ACP 3″ barrel and some holsters. The controls and safety features on the gun are superior to any other derringer I found. Every enthusiast should handle a Bond Arms gun. But be forewarned. You may end up re-thinking your handgun choices and have to buy one of them

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