As a resident of Maryland, the so-called “Free State,” I am not allowed to carry concealed. But, I bought a Bond Arms Ranger II anyway, because it is a stellar work of industrial art, Made in America.

A member of the only indoor handgun range in Montgomery County, Maryland, I have spent some time putting 22 LR, 38/357, and 45 ACP’s down the range, consistently getting most rounds within a 12-inch diameter “shoot-n-c” target at 15 feet (there are better marksmen out there than me). The trigger needs a quick, smooth pull, I have found, to release the hammer well. A slow squeeze to release isn’t the way to do it. Recoil with the bigger chambers is acceptable. This gun takes practice, but we like that part.

I have several “range guns,” hand guns, that nail dimes at 50 feet. Don’t expect the same from short barrels, but to shoot a Bond Arms is just a lot of fun. And, the good folks at Bond Arms do answer your email questions. A good company to patronize.

Best Regards, Cary

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