I purchased my Cowboy Defender on sale at my local Academy; it came with the .22mag barrel set. I ordered the .22lr set to go with it, along with the .380 that was being sold at half price. I never could get either .22cal set to consistently fire. I contacted the manager at BA; they said that probably customers had been dry-firing the gun. I ended up making test shots, photographing them, then sending the pistol back to BA. Within a short time, I learned that they were replacing the entire pistol and both .22cal barrel sets under warranty. Additionally, because I'm left handed, when they built a new pistol for me they put the release on the 'right' side for me. I have purchased additional barrel sets along with the extended rubber grips; this gun is finished better than a lot of women's jewelry I've seen. I'm waiting, as are others, for that 6" barrel set for .410 to become available to add to my pistol. I've seen other, cheaper derringers at gun shows--none of them come close to the quality of this gun. And I'll bet they also won't match the high level of customer service. I'm sold!

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