My wife saw one of your derringers at a gun show locally here in North Carolina and fell in love with it. A month later she unwrapped her birthday present and it was her Texas Defender in 38/357. She loves it. I carried the brochure around for a while at work and upon leaving my job, the guys gave me a C2k in 410/45LC as a going away present. Absolutely love these little guns, they fit in the pocket on hot days and short in town trips when carrying my 1911 would be a pain. I leave the house more often without my wallet than my Bond now. It's a blast to shoot and has enough heft that if you decided to beat someone with it, there is no problem with that either. They are fun and easy to carry and a blast to shoot. If you are holding back for any reason, stop. Get your checkbook out, you will not be disappointed.

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