The Bond Arms Derringer is truly an American Express pistol “Don’t leave home without it!” 45/410 really packs a wallop! I got the Snake Slayer and much prefer the extended grip for this caliber as well as the 4″ barrel over the 3.5″. Recoil is quite manageable in the .45 as well as the 2.5″ 410. The 3″ is leaves not doubt that you are shooting a hand canon! I also bought the Hagen overgrip and the regular rubber grips and took advantage of the 1/2 price 2nd barrel offer. Haven’t tried the overgrip yet, as I am enjoying switching out the barrels. The 2.5″ (snubnose) barrel in 38/357 with the regular rubber grip makes a quite concealable weapon! Absolutely a Bond Arms Fan!

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