The Bond Derringer is a good looking, solid, well built firearm. The .410 caliber gives the average shooter an advantage in a self defense situation, but with only 2 shots available at a time, it's effectiveness in other critical situation could be limited. It is less bulky than a revolver and far more reliable than a sub-compact semi automatic.
The gun is a bit large to carry in a front pant pocket without giving a feeling of 'being happy to see them' when meeting other people! Maybe loose, over sized trousers would help!
The safety is disengaged with a simple thumb push in to the right. The safety is engaged with a push in to the left and it has a child safe feature where it can be locked on safe with an allen wrench. Bond Arms warns not to dry fire the gun or to try firing with the safety engaged. Attempts to fire with the safety engaged, could over time, damage the safety mechanism. During our first gun range test firing, my wife attempted to fire with the safety engaged several times.
The Bond Arms Derringer is fun to shoot and because I care more about self defense than to take out an active shooter, I will carry my .410/.45LC caliber Patriot along with 4 extra shells whenever I can.

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