I fired my Bullpup 9 today for the first time. Not a single jam or other problem. That in spite of limp wristing most of the first dozen rounds. After those first rounds I gripped it more firmly it and it was a pure pleasure to shoot. My firm grip isn’t very strong compared to most people so that further impressed me how well it shoots. I normally can’t shoot more than about 20 rounds through a handgun per range session because of damaged wrists. I was shocked when I realized that I put 92 rounds through it with no pain during or afterwards. I am able to wrack the slide with ease too. The fit of the grip to my hand is very comfortable.
The overall the fit and finish of the both the beautiful grips and the rest of the pistol are fantastic. I thought the grips were one piece because the seam is so difficult to find. The trigger and slide action are both very smooth. When I look at the quantity of the parts and the quality of the machining and fitting I feel that I received exceptional value for every cent I spent.
Thank you for making such a fine pistol. I look forward to shooting this again.

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