Texas-DefenderJust got a Texas Defender with 45LC/410 and 45ACP barrels and it is as good as all the reviews I have read. Having shot hand punishing competitors derringers, I am very pleased at how comfortable and accurate it is. I have shot it with Hornady 410 Triple Defense and 45 Colt 185 gr Critical Defense and assorted 45ACP rounds at 5 and 7 yards with excellent results. I have also ordered a 9mm barrel and considering a 357 as well. For storage, the Plano small frame pistol case (142100) fits the 3" barrel like it was made for the gun. For carry I have ordered HolsterPro Model 3 pocket and Ross Leather cross-draw holsters.
I took it to a public range and people literally lined up wanting to see it. Some gun owners one or more guns they want to buried with and my Texas Defender is now on my keep it til I die list. For an accurate, dependable, rock solid and beautiful looking gun every firearm owner should have one of these.

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