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Extended Black Ash w/ Silver Star Grip
Bond Arms Sof-Tuck 2.0 for STINGER
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I recently purchased a Century 2000 in early May, 2016. I was initially going to spend less and upgrade my Beretta with some Wilson parts. However, it is fishing weather and we have seen cotton mouths at one of the spots we go to. I started thinking something for snakes would be useful.
I started watching youtube videos and reading rev...
Granbury Texas is not one of the huge Meccas of the Lone Star state. However, one very notable business has made its home there—the now famous Bond Arms.A few years ago, I toured the factory and left so impressed that I ordered two different guns plus an extra .357 barrel. That barrel collection has grown over the years to include a versatile stable of calibers including .410/45 Colt, .45 ACP, .357 Magnum/.38 Special, 9mm, and .22 LR.
The Ranger II with Holster delivers a vertical carry solution.
Though many get distracted by all the possible options, Bond Arms does offer models such as the extremely compact .45 ACP Backup and Ranger II that feature a 4.25″ .410/.45 Colt barrel. Bond Arms focused on the popular configuration with its factory models. Models range from super-short 2.5-inch barrels all the way to the quite large 6-inch barrels with different frame and barrel finishes, with and without trigger guards, and various grip sizes and grip materials. Currently, Bond Arms offers about a dozen models to choose from, but many of these models are available in a variety of calibers options.
As with all Bond Arms guns, the barrel, and grip components can be swapped out with any other frame. Over the years, I have also changed the previous rubber backup grip to rosewood and have changed this over to a 9mm barrel.
By Major Pandemic published on April 13, 2017 – Read the original Article here:
One of the features of the Bond Arms handguns is that any barrel length and caliber offered by Bond Arms can be swapped out with any Bond Arms frame and vise-versa. Gordon Bond went a step further, creating sets of various grips and grip sizes. All Bond grips can be swapped between frames. Technically, all the Bond Arms frames are the same; some models feature a different finish or removable trigger guard, but otherwise are the same. Therefore, if you have a Bond barrel, it will fit on any Bond lower receiver. Honestly, it is dizzying to think of all the combinations. In my case, the Ranger II and Backup models I started with both included removable trigger guards. The Ranger II features a light, polished finish, extended hardwood grip, and 4.25-inch .410/.45 Colt barrel. The Backup is chambered in .45 ACP with a flat bead blast finish and rubber grip.
Swapping out barrels is simple – pictured is the Ranger II .410 barrel on the Backup frame.
Regardless which Bond Arms handgun you choose, the workmanship delivered by the robot-assisted production plant is quite amazing.
The longer 4.25-inch length was designed to add velocity, deliver a little more accuracy, and take a little bite out of shooting .410 rounds in a handgun. There are a lot of folks who carry Bond Arms handguns as their defensive firearm, and more than a few requested a carry package, leading to the Ranger II being created.
Realistically, I never thought that I would want to have an afternoon plinking session with the Ranger II loaded with .410 shells, however that is exactly what happened after realizing the recoil was really quite manageable, even for folks like myself who are recoil sensitive; due to two steel plates in my right arm.
Just like any of Bond Arms handguns, the operation and loading is simple. Push down on the left hand-side action lever, and the action will pop open. Drop in two rounds, close the action, assure the safety is pushed to the right (fire), cock the hammer, and pull the trigger to fire the first round. Cock the hammer and pull the trigger to fire the second round.
Compatibility allows different grips and barrels to be used on the same frame with no fitting.
Bond Arms feature an automatic firing-pin selector that automatically moves to the next barrel with each cocking of the hammer. Is it as fast as pulling the trigger twice on your Glock? No. However, it is surprisingly fast, and, if you have been brushing up on your Cowboy Action Single-Action Revolver skills, it’s quite fast.
Obviously, the very short 2.5-inch barreled Backup is designed for one purpose, to deliver a last ditch option when the primary firearm is inaccessible or inoperable. To keep the Backup as low profile and compact as possible, the barrel has been bead blast finished and the receiver is flat black crinkle finished. The Rubber grips are kept compact and provide a surprising amount of purchase for tiny little grips; they also deliver a lot of control for this powerful little package. According to Gordon Bond, many law enforcement wanted a backup pistol to tuck in their pocket or under their body armor. The Backup fits that need perfectly.
I did actually work through 20 rounds each of full-power Hornady TAP 200-grain XTP and 185-grain FTX ammo. I am surprised to say, it was not that bad. I noticed the recoil. However, it was far less than I had imagined it would be. Having shot a competing DoubleTap pistol in .45 ACP which felt like it broke my hand, the Bond Arms Backup .45 ACP was a cakewalk.
Tuff Products Shooting Stars cut into pairs delivers quick reloads.
Stunningly, I hammered through over five boxes of various .410 shotshells and two boxes of Hornady .45 Colt rounds and it was a blast. BB and buckshot rounds were a bunch of fun on 10-yard cans, however the pattern really opens up quick out of a rifled 4.25-inch barrel. #4-8 shotshells would be awesome on closer range pests and snakes. I found that a general rule was that upland game shot delivered 1-inch group size for each foot you were away from the target. For example, at 10 feet, a #6 shotshell would deliver around a 10-inch group. A good rule of thumb for the Buckshot rounds exiting the Ranger II was a 1-inch group for every yard away from the target—a target at 10 yards delivered a 10-inch group. Therefore, I was just shredding cans at 10 yards and could literally hit them blindfolded.
Reloading was actually quick with the auto extractors, however even quicker using Tuff Products QuickStar reloading strip for single action revolvers. The QuickStar worked perfect to carry both .410 and .45 Colt ammo. Eventually, I cut my Tuff Products QuickStar set into two-shot strips.
These are not target pistols, the Bond Arms pistols are short-barreled defensive pistols, so you cannot hold them to the same accuracy standards. The Bond Arms are still minute-of-man accurate at 50-yards which is impressive. Realistically, shots beyond 10 yards take some practice. Of note, there is difference in point-of-aim between the top barrel and bottom barrel. However, if you hold center of mass, you will consistently deliver gut and chest hits. If you want to shoot for groups, pick a barrel and cycle through shooting groups with that chosen barrel. Otherwise, you will end up with a 2-inch top group and about 4-6 inches lower, another 2-inch group with the respective barrels.
Quick and easy loading could not be more simple.
Naturally, the longer the barrels such as the 4.25-inch barrel on the Ranger II deliver better the practical accuracy. Bond now offers a 6-inch barrel as well for more velocity and accuracy. Similar to my spare .357 Magnum barrel, I was able to deliver 50-yard offhand shots on full-sized Action Target Silhouettes while keeping most shots within a large pie plate-sized ring. Due to the legality and spread of the .410 defensive rounds, I would not personally take a 50-yard shot with buckshot or with a defensive multi-projectile .410 round. However, this demonstrates the flexibility of two barrels and the .410/.45 Colt chambering. Regardless of the caliber and length of barrel installed, I have no issues hitting a soda can at 15-yards—if I shoot from the most zeroed barrel—otherwise I tend to slip the second shot.
The Bond Arms have proven to be infallibly reliable and easy to shoot. Add in a premium quality not found on most guns these days, and you have a tough to beat firearm. Sure, on almost any given day, I have a high capacity semi-auto on my hip. However, there are many times the flexibility of the Bond firearm are handy.
There are very few guns that you will find me recommending just because I think they are gorgeous, however the Bond Arms models are stunning. Beyond the impeccable quality, fit, and finish, the Bond Arms handguns are rock solid dependable defensive firearm. With that noted, it is still a beautiful pistol that is fully capable—with some practice—for self-defense, and one which I carry proudly.
Optional Accessory Barrels:
Major Pandemic is an editor at large who loves everything about shooting, hunting, the outdoors, and all those lifesaving little survival related products. His goal is simple, tell a good story in the form of a truthful review all while having fun. He contributes content to a wide variety of print and digital magazines and newsletters for companies and manufacturers throughout the industry with content exposure to over 2M readers monthly.
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