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Bond Arms Sof-Tuck 2.0 for STINGER
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Customer Comments
I’ve fired the weapon with both the 45lc/410 and the 38/357 and I am very happy with both. Sorry I waited so long to get one.
by Jeff Quinn – photography by Jeff Quinn & Boge Quinn April 20th, 2009 If you have never handled a Bond, forget everything that you know about derringers. For over 150 years, the term “derringer” has been used to describe what most think of as a cheap, light, short, two-barreled last ditch backup gun. […]
Shotshell-loaded pistols are the bee’s knees in poisonous-snake country. The unseasonably warm South Texas weather slowed deer hunting to a crawl. With only 15 minutes of daylight and a 30-minute walk back to the truck, I left my blind a little early. I was sweating, and little gnats swarmed around my face. I brushed them […]
America’s 1st Freedom – Bond Arms Review ~ Laurie Lee Dovey Click Here to Download a PDF of the Aricle, or view here:
The Backwoodsman Magazine – Bond Arms Review ~Charlie Chalk In the mid-1800′s, Remington developed a double-barrel, pocket pistol, designed to fire a .41 cal. rimfire round. Mostly used for self-defense, in close quarters, like across the card table from a low down card-cheating snake. Carried in vest pockets on riverboats, hip pockets of miners in […]
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