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Extended Black Ash w/ Silver Star Grip
Bond Arms Sof-Tuck 2.0 for STINGER
Customer Comments
So easy to carry you won’t leave at home. If it’s not comfortable you won’t carry it. As far as 2 shots I’m not going in to a gun fight. I want it for protection.
On the not-so-fun days, I sort of pine for the good old times of blued steel and walnut. Then there are the days when I see new and interesting stuff. The day I first shot Bond Arms’ new Bullpup9 was one of those better days. Okay, we all carry all the time, right? Actually, no. […]
“Whatcha gonna hit with that belly gun?” my assistant taunted. Then I fired twice at 10 inch steel plates seven yards away while crab-walking towards my weak side. Two plates fell—one per .40 SW bullet. “Well I’ll be…” Bond Arms’ New Derringers By Dave Norman A ROMANTICIZED STYLE My hero Isaac Bell carries a derringer […]
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