Displaying 61 - 70 of 591 results

Love My Bond

Last fall I purchased a Texas Defender 38sp/357. Wow, what a gun. Handles great and packs a punch, particularly the .357. Then I found out about the promo from Bond Arms in November for 50% off extra barrel. I contacted them and said I bought mine in October, no problem, they sent me the coupon code for the barrel. So I ordered the Snake Slayer IV 45colt/410 4.25" Barrel.

Definitely added some beef to the gun, but man is it fun to shoot. Now that packs some punch in 45colt. Local indoor range won't let me shoot 410 so I have to wait for a lil nicer weather at the outdoor range.

You should see the looks from other shooters when I unpack the Bond. Everybody wants to know what it is and want to see it.

Lots of fun and surprisingly easy to handle. Love it. Now I need a IWB holster.

Amazing Gun

I bought my Bond Arms mini 45 because it used the same caliber ammo as my SAA Big Bore Bounty Hunter and my Henry Arms Mare's Leg. Once I shot this gun I knew I had made a GREAT decision. Since receiving my Mini 45 I have had my decision confirmed by multiple people. My son, former Marine, was totally against derringers because of previous encounters. Today, he shot the Bond Arms derringer and he was sold on them. He now wants one for himself. I love my Mini 45!

Double Barrel Shotgun In Your Pocket!

It was late, I was traveling and I needed fuel. I knew it wasn't the greatest area but it was well lit and there were several people around so stopped to fuel up. The next thing I know there were two unsavory fellows approaching me, they were focused on me. So I got my Bond Arms Snake Slayer IV out of my back pocket and at the ready behind my back. They came to me and demanded money so I presented them with another option (my .410 double barrel shotgun) and they decided to go elsewhere. I didn't have to fire it, just presenting it sent the snakes scurrying away. I really love my Bond Arms Derringer. I really need to get one of the driving holsters. But I have the .410/.45 barrel 4.5", and a 3.5" .44 Special barrel, and am awaiting a .38/.357 barrel.

Bond Ranger II My Go To Gun!

I am a retired law enforcement officer (44 yrs) and I use my Ranger II as my first go to gun! Yes I carry two guns all the time and I depend on my Ranger to eliminate the threat and if it doesn't I will go to my .380 Walther PPK-S. I believe the Ranger will get anyone's attention either with wounds or shock! In my career I have been a law enforcement trainer and armorer for almost every make of gun there is and most officers want something that carries 15rds. The Bond Ranger II in my opinion is the perfect carry gun. Just get past the derringer astigmatism and carry a real self defense tool!

If You Like Your First One...You Will Love Your Second One

I bought the special issue Pike's Pike Model (a Defender, .45LC/.410, 2.5 in with .357/.38 3.0 in second barrel, included). My wife liked it, and said she'd rather have this one instead of her Ruger hammerless .357/.38. I got her the .22LR 3.0 in barrell for practicing and target shooting.

I bought myself a Texas Defender .45LC/.410 3 in and a 9mm 3.5 in and the .22 Magnum 3.0 in. I was smart enough to buy the barrels on sale over the Christmas holidays, in advance of buying my hand cannon. I will be taking advantage of the 50% off barrel deal, and after talking to Daryl, I am considering the .327 barrel.

I picked up a few accessories as well...I love the quality of the Bond product line. Thanks Gordon, for a GREAT AMERICAN PRODUCT!

Happy Convert

Mr. Bond I have had my eye on your weapons for sometime now. I am a firm believer in carrying the firepower you will need in this day and age, but could not convince myself to go with less rounds. Well I purchased your Texas Defender 45 Colt / .410 and after using this small power house with .410 defender rounds it is devastating !! This weapon has fast become my favorite carry for daily use. It is a pleasure to shoot is easy to carry and conceal. Your weapon is extremely well made and is a for a lifetime purchase. I also have your BAD and BATB holsters which compliments this gun perfectly. Also just ordered 3 inch .45 ACP barrel and a slide shell holster. Thank You Mr. Bond for your over the top products.

A Great Ranch Hand

As I have previously teased your incredibly kind and knowledgeable staff, I am mad at you for making what must be one of the handiest trail/defense guns ever. For years, I knew of your quality production but could not wrap my mind around needing one of your derringers. Initially, I purchased a used Cowboy Defender, which I thought to just experiment with and then likely sell. Boy, was I fooling myself! What I discovered is, without a doubt, the lightest and best gun for trail, woods walking, and self preservation (two, four or no legged). I am a cattleman and routinely carried a big bore single action when checking the cows or running the fence line. Vermin, varmints and rank bulls are always a possibility and this gun is the handiest. Now, the Bond Arms gets the nod every time I do just about anything. I don't know how it happened but Cowboy Defender sent word to his siblings and now the Century 2000, Snake Slayer IV, Ranger II, and Backup all live under one roof! Of course, then came extra barrels to boot. Your product is so versatile, I now view it as an invaluable necessity. It is the embodiment of exceptional engineering and quality, yet offered in a relatively light weight package. Recoil is very tolerable. If any readers were like me, wondering aloud "Why do I need one?", I can only respond "Don't be slow to action. Buy one!"
It will serve you well and its durable construction will guarantee a heirloom for your subsequent generations. Thank you for making such an exceptional firearm, one that has proven its value over and over again.

First Patriot Range Time

IMG_5872I purchased the Patriot in 410/45 Colt and just shot it for the first time. The guns recoil being very manageable. I used 250 grain 45 colt ammo, Hornady Critical defense in 410 and Federal Triple 000 Buck which had the most kick but still fine for a defensive load. I look forward to more shooting fun ahead. No issues with the gun at all. I'm happy! I will get a thick oval plate for hanging to practice my draw and shooting accuracy.

My Wife & I Each Own One

My wife got into pistol shooting about 5 years ago. Before that she never shot a handgun. She saw a Bond Arms Snake Slayer IV 38/357 caliber and liked the way it felt and how solid made it was so I bought it for her. I liked the gun so much I just recently bought one but in 45/410 which was a knuckle buster for me when shooting defensive loads, so I sold the barrel and bought a 38/357 also which works out nice because our revolvers are the same caliber. Now we enjoy the variety of available loads for that caliber and the derringers not only conceal well they shoot equally as well as our other guns. The fun part is seeing how intimidating this is when other people see us shoot it.

Excellent Made Guns

I have purchased 2 Bond Arms derringers, 38/357 and 45/410 snake slayer. Both derringers fire flawlessly. The 38/357 is truly a pleasure to shoot and surprisingly hardly no recoil. Very accurate at 10 yards with stock barrel, fired American Eagle 158 grain 38 special and some reload bought at a local gun show. 100 rounds and no misfires. This gun is really fun to shoot. The 45 Colt / 410 000 buck is a different story, this is not for the faint of heart. I fired about 20 rounds of 410 000 buck all rounds at 7 to 10 yards, they all hit center of mass destroying the target and my hand. The 45 long colt was not too bad, I fired another 25 rounds and hit center of mass at the same distances. The 45 Colt was equal to about a .357. After completion of range time, the webbing of my hand singled for several hours afterwards, for 2 days my hand was sore. This snake slayer is a mini cannon, impressive none the less. I would highly recommend any Bond Arms derringer, you won't find a finer quality weapon anywhere. Great job to Bond Arms!

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