Displaying 21 - 30 of 591 results

Two Heads Are Better Than One

Two Roughnecks - a .38/.357 for me and a 9mm for my wife.  The perfect backup to her off body carry Beretta 92FX that she keeps in a ballistic backpack for when she’s working downtown at night.  My EDC is a CZ 2075 RAMI and now the Roughneck goes in a Kevin’s wallet holster or in a sticky pocket holster. Built like a tank…and we got a .45LC and .410 barrel for good measure.  Can’t ask for more.  Or better.



I bought the bond arms grizzly I love it it fits and feels great in my hand it shoots my 410 and 45 colts really smooth and I got a 10mm barrel for it and it shoots my 10mm with no problems I recommend getting a bond arms it's the best derringer I own.

-Lawrence Flowers

Super Impressed

I bought the Roughneck in 45acp loved it so much I bought the Roudy just as impressive I'm a huge fan of Bond The pistols are now my primary carry.

-Richard Allen

Great Firearms

Very pleased with the 3 I own.

-Luther Wayne Connally II

Love My Roughneck!

Just picked up a roughneck and love it! Sturdy firearm, well made and sweet shooter! I’m hooked. Can’t wait to pick up a Grizzly soon!

-WC Bryant

Awesome Gun

I purchased a 3" barrel Bond Arms Derringer "Rough & Rowdy 410/45LC as it was the only one that Bi-Mart had in stock at the time. I'd read about them and I liked the look and feel of the gun. Unfortunately trying to find ammo was quite the challenge. I was unable to find any 2.5 in 410 or 45LC to shoot in my 3" barrel gun. Believe me when I say it was very frustrating!
Finally the last place I called " The Sportsman's Warehouse",told me of a supplier called "Bucksnortoutfitters.com Which had any & all sorts of ammo & they ship to your house!!! So I ordered some 410 /45LC and looking forward to it's arrival. Prior to finding the ammo I also ordered a 3.5 in barrel because I already had some 3" 410 ammo. I want to mention that the ammo situation has nothing to do with Bond Arms, they are a stellar company and I love their gun(s)!!!!!

-Kerry Pilling

It's what it's cracked up to be.

I've been interested in Bond "derringers" for some time.  WHICH ONE?  That was a hard decision, but I finally settled on a Ranger II.  Longer barrel for greater muzzle energy and to allow 3" .410 shells, still very concealable.  .45LC and .410 combo has greater ammo options.  Ordered my Ranger II.  Got it in less than a week.  It was basically everything I'd read and heard about Bond Arms quality, BUT with one little "gremlin."  Bond Customer Service jumped on it immediately and fixed the "gremlin."  My Bond is perfect in every sense.  A handful with heavy loads, but still a joy to shoot. I'm 75 and know that "gremlins" can happen with any product.  So it gets down to Customer Service and Bond, I found, is absolutely exceptional.  VERY RARE to get such a positive response these days.  I sincerely appreciate the Bond brothers for the products they've developed and for the team that makes it happen.  I'm a proud USA veteran who is proud to own an American-made firearm of the quality that is my Bond Arms Ranger II.  God Bless!

-Larry Holmes

Rowdy 22

Very happy with my Bond arms purchase. I am hoping you will go back to making 22 caliber rounds.

-Don Schuman

Build Quality and durability!!!

On May 11th of 2022 I was involved in a motorcycle accident where car cut me off. I then proceeded to slide across the street about 40 ft what makes this so special is that I actually had my bond cowboy defender in my right front pocket in my jeans instead of my leg getting all chewed up from road rash my leg actually slid on the gun which actually separated me from the street as far as my leg goes the gun did sustain some damage and customer service was super nice and actually sending me new wooden grips free of charge!!
I would like to let somebody like the owner know how impressed I am with their product. I carry this gun every day and since the accident I still carry it everyday it works perfectly!! Thanks again for making a great product!!

-Rob Polidore


A great constructed weapon. Perfect pocket weapon for concealed carry.


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