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Customer Comments
I purchased a Bond arms snake slayer in Dec. 2015. Then I ordered holsters and other items from the web site. I was amazed at the ease of ordering and the way bonds arms followed up via email to insure I received and was satisfied with my purchase.The holsters were way more than I had hoped for. The quality was awesome. As for the Snake Slayer i...
Here at Bond Arms we really care what you think and we love to hear from you! Below are a bunch of recent testimonials from our customers. If you would like to share your story, we'd love to hear from you. Please click here to submit your testimonial. Thank you.
I’ve wanted a .45 acp derringer for as long as I can remember and finally invested in the Bond Arms Backup. I have now put the extended grips on it and bought the .357 Mag barrel set which I can shoot Much better than the short .45 barrels. I would like to own the longer .45 acp barrels and I think they would be a lot easier to hit with. I am amazed at how far I can hit with the .357 barrels which are an inch longer. Trigger took a lot of break in and experience on how to squeeze it but keeps getting better with use. All in all, I like my Bond Arms Derringer and enjoy shooting it.
I have to say I have been considering a Bond Arms firearm. I have always been one to be averted to to common consensus to be honest. And in the world of semi- autos, well the derringer was an obvious choice. I grew up shooting large bore firearms (.44 mag, 357 mag, etc..) and the “modern” ammunition just seemed unappealing to me. To be honest I cant shoot a 9mm or .380 accurately for the life of me. Once I stumbled upon such a small, concealable firearm capable of shooting .45 colt (.410.. bonus!) I was immediately interested. After firing my Texas Defender.. Well I was in love. We are talking minimal recoil and accuracy for the range intended. The gun feels like a tank and I know that it will last me more than a lifetime. Definitely a work of art that will be passed down.. Bond Arms has some type of wizardry going on here. And for all those who are hesitant about carrying just two shots just have not shot one of these. Not a fan of big bore? Choose your barrel! which is another plus of what this company has to offer. Thank you Bond for your dedication to thinking outside of the box, standing strong by your products, and providing all with quality firearms with a classic, functional, and reliable design. In a complex world we often forget the value of simplicity.
Every time my Snake Slayer goes to the range, fellow shooters want to try it out. The first thing upon which they remark is how solid the firearm feels. After shooting, they remark on how surprised they were at how well such a small firearm handles the recoil.
I got to shoot 45 long colts with my snake slayer today, it preformed great very smooth firing for such a large shell. Looking forward many more trips to the range. No picture taking allowed at the range where I shoot.
Since receiving the “Texas Defender” (in 9mm) I have had the opportunity to fire it. The weapon performed very well and is quite accurate at 10 yds or less. Which is what I expected. This makes for an excellent self defense weapon at close range, where you would normally need one. The weapon is easy to carry and conceal. I would recommend this weapon to anyone looking for a close range self defense weapon that is very well made and reliable.
The recoil with the 45 long gets your attention but the 327 rounds were much easier on me. I'm sure it will be fun to shoot with the help you gave me on the bent elbow. A good friend who is a retired ranger said it was one of the nicest pieces he had see. Thanks for the follow up concern. - Lou Feulner
This Snake Slayer IV really packs a punch! Does the job on the Snakes in and the Barn!
I just bought the back up recently, I was amazed at the accuracy and the recoil was not bad at all. I plan to get the 3.5 barrels soon in .410 I also bought the belt holster as well and it is nice to. I now switch off and carry this as my primary at times plus you can slip it in your jacket or pants and have some nice power with you always.I would recommend this gun or any of the bond arms guns to anyone. Thinking of getting one for the wife as well not sure yet what caliber for her but she likes mine just a little to much in .45 but the 9mm I think would be great or .38 no matter you can not go wrong!
The best short barreled gun I have ever shot. It stays on target and not much kick!
I’ve always loved the look of the Bond Arms Derringers, although they are so well made and stout that I hesitate to call them derringers instead of just “Small Handguns”. I finally, after looking at them for many years, picked up a Patriot with a 3″ 45/410 barrel and a Bond Driving Crossdraw Holster. I was absolutely blown away by the quality and how just insanely fun this handgun is to shoot! I immediately ordered the 3″ 44 spl barrel to go with it. This is my go-to everyday carry. It’s comfortable, easy to shoot, accurate, and fun. If you’re on the fence, get one. Just get one. You will not regret it. Also, as everyday carry arguments go, the best gun for self defense is the one you carry all the time and the one you shoot often and well. You do not need 10000 round capacity to defend yourself. What you need is a tool that you competently handle and use well. There is no reason that the Bond Arms Handgun can’t fill that roll for you. It certainly does for me.
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