Displaying 171 - 180 of 591 results

Little Roscoe

this ‘LiL’ Roscoe is awesome with every $$$ spent for it . The 357/38 spec. 4″barrel that can with it is spot on at 12 feet but the 3″ barrel I also purchased is sweet at .45 acp. and that’s my carry 80% of the time. It’s a beautiful mighty mouse.

BAD Driving Holster

I did not buy this for my Texas Defender. I use it for my Kahr P380. Good fit once its broken in and high quality. I have been unable to find anything comparable. I would love to find something as comfortable for my S&W Shield.


I am really enjoying this gun. I purchased it with the 410 barrel and have since added the .38 and .22 Magnum to my collection. I enjoy the versatility of being able to change the barrels. Sometimes the 22 Mag ammo can be difficult to get, so I can change the barrel to another caliber and keep shooting. I am somewhat of a beginner at shooting, and so enjoy your many videos and pointers that you make available. My wife also enjoys shooting the gun. I will provide a video and or pictures in the future. Thanks for providing a very well made product.

Well Crafted!

Now have 3 Bond arms guns and 7 barrels for them! Your reputation is well deserved and earned. Thank You Bond Arms and to the Great State of Texas. - Dan Michaud, Wasilla, Alaska

Many People Ask ...

I am able to openly carry in Wisconsin. I HAVE HAD MANY PEOPLE ASK , … WHAT IS THAT FIREARM ? Out of my holster can be seen my “Snake Slayer” , … reactions are ALWAYS WOW , … I HAVE TO GET ONE OF THOSE. Just the other day , at the gas station , an example. The owner was so empresed , he had me talking “BOND ARMS” for over an hour. The next day , … I brought him a brochure that you folks had sent me , …. his brother was there , …. he two was excited to hold and see such a tool and work of art. Thank you for sending brochures to me, … I am proud to talk “BOND” everywhere. OH , My wife asked me what I wanted for my birthday , … well , she just ordered me another barrel , … now have three , … she said , “I know you will have all of them , … lol , …I just smiled. - N.M. Hvarre , Wausau , WI.

Snake Slayer IV Holster

Expecting a quality product I was not surprised to find the Snake Slayer IV holster was everything I was looking for and consisting of the finest materials and workmanship.

Love It!

Saved up for 6 months for the Defender and was estatic when I finally got it. Haven’t had a chance to shoot it yet, due to not having the time right now, BUT I will! Was hoping to buy the .22 LR barrel with the extra barrel deal Bond offers, but that barrel isn’t part of that deal. Don’t know why, would be nice if it was.

Snake Slayer

I’ve been wanting this gun for a while now. Finally purchased it, had to wait a week before I was able to fire some rounds. I wont lie, it kicks like a mule, but best damn gun I’ve ever bought!

Peace Of Mind - Incredible Weapon

I am a Disabled Veteran confined to a wheel chair and I needed some protection. That being said; I purchased the Snake Slayer IV, not only for the small size but the need for the hand cannon effect (shotgun). I have put many rounds down range and found the weapon to be nothing but entirely fun to use as well as totally appropriate for its intended purpose for protection! I have heard many individuals write reviews describing the enormous kick from the gun… to those individuals; I would suggest a BB gun… if you can’t fire a shotgun; this is not the weapon for you, very little kick. The weapon is very loud but that is to be expected. The weapon is also built like a tank. Dropped the weapon a couple of times on hardwood floors as well as concrete (accidently dropped). The only thing that kinda bugs me is the big forward sight on the gun… I really don’t see a need for it, most shotguns only have kinda like a BB for the front site (if anything at all). I understand this particular weapon will fire a multitude of various different kinds of ammo but the weapon is primarily for protection and from myself and all accounts I have read, it is not accurate past 20 or 30 feet (although both barrel do hit the same hole, everytime)… not supposed to have the accuracy of a sniper rifle. Incredibly good weapon for its intended purpose!

Gittin' a Grip on the Cowboy

Finally opted for an extended grip for my cowboy, Have had the derringer for quite some time but found shooting 45 and 410 rounds caused slippage on recoil. Tried skate board tape but that can rub you raw also. settled on the double star extended grip, attractive, well designed and certainly helps control the recoil. The grip isn’t gauddy and has some very nice checkering panels which feels good in the hand. I have one gripe, should have gotten these grips years ago. Definitely a keeper.

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