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Extended Black Ash w/ Silver Star Grip
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I Purchased the Snakeslayer IV with 4.25 in. Barrel 45L Colt/410. Liked the feel and the Weight of the gun in hand and packs a powerful Shot. Fine worksmanship and Quality and would recommend Bond Arms Derringers to Anyone.
Here at Bond Arms we really care what you think and we love to hear from you! Below are a bunch of recent testimonials from our customers. If you would like to share your story, we'd love to hear from you. Please click here to submit your testimonial. Thank you.
I recently purchased a Century 2000 in early May, 2016. I was initially going to spend less and upgrade my Beretta with some Wilson parts. However, it is fishing weather and we have seen cotton mouths at one of the spots we go to. I started thinking something for snakes would be useful.
I started watching youtube videos and reading reviews. I knew I wanted a .45 Colt/.410 barrel. It seemed like a 3 1/2″ barrel would be a good compromise. My previous solution to the serpent problem had been my .357 lcr loaded with shotshells. However, for me the best place for that gun is on my hip. That left me with an LCP in my pocket for defense. .380 is better than a .22 and a .22 is better than harsh language, however, I prefer something bigger.
So I informed my wife that I would hold off and save some more and get a snake gun. She asked how much it was and said, “Go get it. Happy early Father’s Day.” I love my wife. Next day I got my C2K. It’s an awesome little gun. Mine is the older style but it works very well. Trigger isn’t bad like some say, just a little different.
I found 2 1/2″ # 9 and # 8 pattern pretty good. Winchester Super Speed # 6 works really well too. I was surprised at the accuracy of .45 colt as well. What surprised me most was looking into the federal .410 handgun 000 buckshot. On paper and on tests it is pretty mean at close range. Even more surprising is that it is loaded with that and in my pocket when I leave the house now.
I still carry a 1911 on my hip. The C2K is a pocket gun. It is for up close, nasty work. I use the sticky holster they sell on the site in my pocket. It works, but is a 1 size fits all type holster. I am glad I have it. 2 days after I got the holster and started carrying it I feel I came the closest I have to clearing leather in the 7 years I’ve had my CHL.
I was at walmart at midnight ( I know, I know ) and apparently offended a couple of drunks as I walked around them to go in. They were standing in front of the door, blocking my entrance. Long and short as I was leaving the hair on my neck was standing up and I really felt they were going to make me shoot them. A terrible feeling.
During the whole encounter I had my hand on my Bond Arms pistol in my pocket. Having your hand in your pocket is a non-threatening gesture and can give you an option if things start heading south instead of grabbing the gun on your hip. Very glad I bought it. I plan on getting the BAD holster for road trips. I also am thinking of adding a backup in .45 ACP with the 2″ barrel. Looks like it would be a good “always gun.”
All in all, this is a very neat little gun. It can fill a good niche. I would not recommend this as a primary carry. However, as a back up, snake or utility gun, I would highly recommend it.
Hi. I bought this gun for a carry gun after shoulder replacement I’m carrying left handed I’ve only shot it 4 times .410 with my left hand it had a little recoil but manageable I will try my .357 barrel next I’m very impressed with it.
I like the wonderful little gun i got and good to and easy to shoot.
I own several guns,and the snake slayer IV is absolutely hands down the best gun that I have ever owned. I had a little trouble pulling the trigger and hammer as I have arthritis in both hands,so I watched a few videos on YouTube about bond arms guns,specifically about getting familiar with the gun and how to fire it,after that no problems, Mr. Gordon Bond explains how to properly shoot the weapon,I found out that I was doing it all wrong @I would suggest that everyone watch this video,it will make your experience much more enjoyable.And just let me say that this is a sweet shooting gun, very little recoil when shooting 45 long colt and 410 buckshot .This is and will always be my carry gun. Thanks again to all the folks at bond arms for the quality service and products that you produce.
I purchased the Texas Defender chambered in .45LC/.410. I conceal carry, but wanted a firearm to keep next to me in my car, within easy reach. After reading the reviews of Bond Arms and watching Youtube videos of all the bond arms firearms, I chose the Texas Defender. I only plan on loading it with 410 shells. As others have stated, this is one hell of a gun. Heavy, so well made, everything is so precise in the manufacture of it. Only in the United States will you have firearm this well made. Shooting it is a pleasure too! Recoil is not a problem. A bonus was the offer of another barrel for 50% off. I chose the 9mm. Thank you to the state of Texas and Bond Arms Inc. You really can’t go wrong one of their products.
I have had a Snake Slayer for some time, along with 2 extra barrels ... a 45 Colt and a 45 acp. Also ... got a BATF Holster and a Rosewood extended grip with the Silver Star. Looking forward to ordering a 327 Federal Mag barrel and a Faux Ivory extended grip. Recently had my first opportunity to take it to the range with the 45/410 barrel. Wow! It was fun to shoot. My range does not allow buckshot or birdshot, but my friend and I fired several 410 slugs and transitioned to 45 Colt. Shot a full box of 45 Colt Cowboy Ammo.
What fun to shoot! I am a retired LEO with 35 years of service, and own 26 other handguns. I am totally comfortable carrying this finely made weapon as a CCW! Thank you!
.45/.410, .357/.38 Spec., 357/.38 Spec., .327/.32 H&R, And a ‘Lil ‘Ol .44 Special. OOOHH YYEAAH! - PawPaw C
I purchased a 38sp Texas Defender. The quality and craftsmanship is outstanding. Just holding the gun, you can feel that it is solid and well made. Fun to shoot.
The gun is very nice but it became even better when I received my extended grips. The little thing became much more easier to hold to and fight back at the recoil. The grips are kind of pricey to me costing one third what I paid for the gun.I was hesitant to order the grips but gave in and did it. Now over the high cost it turns out the purchase was a good investment because of the added control.
Naturally, I ordered the Snake Slayer with the 4.25″ barrel in .45 Colt/.410. I also ordered a 2.5″ barrel in .40 S&W and a 4.25″ barrel in .357/.38Spl. Using the .410 with 3″ Winchester PDX is a kicker. Literally. You maintain control of the gun, but you KNOW the catcher is out of commission. At 10 yards, the man-sized target had all discs and pellets inside the black. The .38 Specials and .357 Mag rounds went downrange easily enough, and I could have shot boxes of them. I figured the .40 S&W was an easily obtainable round, and this WAS a pocket gun… They KICK, almost as much as the .45 Colt’s and .410 PDX’s did. So, if I go to the range, I’ll practice with the .38 Spcl’s and carry with the .410 PDX’s. When hunting, I’ll carry the .410 with #8 for snakes.
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